Web3, A Coup To Replace The Current Tech Top Players

Modupe Ladele
2 min readOct 29, 2022
WEB3 A Coup To Replace The Current Tech Players, written in yellow on a black background of a woman nside a white ring light

There is a war among the tech giants, a chess match among the tech players. Tech giants versus tech dwarfs, okay enough with the cheesy intro.

Let us start with a little history, shall we, during the reign of web1, the big players were Geocities, Yahoo, Internet Explorer, MNS, Webcrawer, Axel Springer and many others. Some of the big players died, and some evolved thus surviving, but not many of them can compete with their new queens.

Web2 came, and the big players changed, some might have thought it was going to be a phase but web 2 became the new normal.

Web3 might be counting on history, and the next big thing might just become the new normal, the players are ready to seize the opportunity but this time many of the current top tech players are starting to prepare for this change, in case it becomes a reality, Meta(Facebook) have Metaverse, Twitter have, whatever Twitter has, Microsoft has Space and time. They know adaptability is survival.

Companies like Coinbase, Mojito, Unstable domains, Binance, Open Sea, Ripple, Polkadot and many more might have the chance to grow from dwarfs to giants in this tech revolution.

This is an opening, a chance to seize an opportunity, the coup might not be successful, but if it is, what is your advantage as an individual with the knowledge of the past, what will be your edge above other people who didn't know what you know, because don't be deceived, web3 would not be owned by the masses like you are lead to believe, it would be owned by the venture capitalists and well, the people who know how to utilize opportunities.

How are you preparing for the coup?



Modupe Ladele
Modupe Ladele

Written by Modupe Ladele

This user does have a bio; Animal Scientist, apparently I am a teacher. Ehm... Researcher

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