Tonight is not the Night I Die
I lied, it’s tonight I die. For the wages of sin is death. I have sinned, O father, I have sinned. In thoughts and in deeds.
How do I come to your presence, how do I dwell in it, with the weight of the iniquities I bear in my heart.
I am thine o Lord, I promise I am thine.
Yet I’m dieing o Lord, for the darkness that made the angel of light fall, hunts me.
He was Thine o Lord, yet he died o Lord.
For if the angle of light couldn’t resist such darkness, then who am I
Though the devil tried to exult his throne above yours in heaven, and failed. I exalted my throne aboved yours in my heart and life.
Though Darkness engulf me like it engulfed lucifar, but pride I have not.
Though my transgress worse than treason, but here I am, take my life and let it be.
For pride I have not.
Take my life
Isn’t that the mystery of the kingdom, give and you receive, die and you shall live.
So Take my life and let it be. I am ready to die Lord, for men who are ready to die, shall live, so maybe, tonight is not the night I die.