Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Modupe Ladele
4 min readSep 30, 2022

I can still remember the day I woke up, I saw blood on my hands, some in my fingers, some dried up, some semi-clothed if there is a word like that, and I genuinely knew what had happened, different signs on my body as to what happened during the night, thoughts running through my head at the speed of light.

It was my blood, not that I am suicidal but my fingers were filled with my blood and I had marks from what happened at night. I only told a few of my friends what exactly happened that night but I went straight to the point at that time. The truth is deaths happened that night, and I was forever changed, I mean isn’t that the summary of nature, kill or be killed? Not that they might have been able to kill me but I never did give them the chance.

When I woke up that morning I knew the right thing to do or maybe what I thought was the right thing to do and after seeing some of the bodies I acted on Impulse.

Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

I went down and told the porters to fumigate my room because those bed bugs can be really annoying, they were not useless because they were kind of my biological alarm clock, but they did suck a lot of blood and I figured it was not worth it anymore, so I massacred a lot of them that night when they were busy collecting payment for their alarm services.

There is this unique thing I always just knew, and it’s that things are not always as they seem, How I got to know that I don’t exactly know, but the earliest time I remembered referencing it was when I told my mum “Ma, things are not always as they seem, there might be so much much more we don’t know”, and the way she viewed things when she applied what I said was spectacular. (Yeah that is an overstatement but I have been trying to use the word for a while)

You should have heard the story of the farmer and the dog and if you have not you are about to read it so make sure you say it out loud so you can tell people you have heard the story because if you read it without saying it out loud then you have only read it.

A farmer owned a dog that could hunt well and used it for a lot of hunting, the dog was wild and the hunter and his wife spent a lot of time with the dog, after a long time that the family has been waiting for the fruit of the womb, the wife finally gave birth, and they spent a lot of their time with the baby, the dog felt lonely most of the time.

One day they left the baby and the dog together in a room and the husband and wife were in the other room, some minutes later the dog entered their room filled with blood on the mouth, they looked at each other and everything fell into perspective in a moment, the dog being jealous of the attention the baby was getting, the fact that the baby cried a while ago and stopped immediately and the blood dripping from the dog’s mouth, the wife fell and started crying immediately and the husband shot the dog dead with obviously not a spoon but with the nearest gun, he could reach for, after killing the dog they both went to the room they left the baby and saw that the baby was sleeping soundly and a very big snake was killed by the dog beside the baby.

I am sure some of us have been found in very awkward positions and we immediately know what the other person is thinking, only ourselves and God knows we were not doing what the other person thinks we were doing or what the person thinks we did even though it seems like we did. I hope you understand what exactly I am trying to pass across to you.

You can read a situation wrong if you don’t see beyond what you want to see or beyond the obvious, you have to see more than, like the conspiracies will say “what they want you to see”.

At the very core of humans, we see what we want to see most times, A person not picking up your calls might not be ignoring you deliberately, A person who did not greet you back might not be rude, maybe she/he did not hear you, the person who has not checked up on you may be going through something tough or be unavailable, the rich man whose son died might not have used his son for ritual, I am wearing a tarted cloth doesn’t mean I am poor, they are using a very expensive phone doesn’t mean they are rich, what if they stole it?

Don’t get me wrong, my point is “there are various possibilities to a particular situation”, Some of us think the worse of every situation and I don’t blame you.

I am not telling you to think that the person coming at you with a knife on your back wants to kill the snake behind you or the person you caught spiking your drink wants to secretly put the cure for cancer in your drink, I am just saying that you have to be open-minded and have it “not at the back” of your mind but “at the side of your heart” that things are not always as they seem.



Modupe Ladele
Modupe Ladele

Written by Modupe Ladele

This user does have a bio; Animal Scientist, apparently I am a teacher. Ehm... Researcher

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