The Star That Never Shone
I infected you with a touch of my imagination, with the idea of what you could be, and for that I am sorry.
I wish I could help, I really do, I mean, I can but I can’t. I’d have to sacrifice everything, and it’s not that you are not worth sacrificing everything for, it is just that I can’t.
You could have been great, you still can be I guess, and it breaks my heart that I hold the key to what you could be. No, no, when you think about it deeply, I don’t hold the key. I simply know where the key is and I am refusing to pick it up.
Still, I apologize for my lack of courage and commitment, for that is why I am unwilling to make the move that will make you.
It would forever haunt me, that I could have stopped your not-so-inevitable end, that I could have stopped you from the path the ones before you took
I wish I could have helped usher you into true greatness and made things better for those who come after you.
I am so sorry for showing you, for stringing you along and for leaving you stranded, I don’t hope you forgive me.
But for your sake, I’m going to take one last stand. I am going to move one more chess piece, giving you a chance to fight for your future yourself.
I am going to lead you to where the key is. Sadly I know how the story ends, I know you’d follow the wrong path that leads to your not-so-inevitable end the part that doesn’t require you to pick up the key and open the door to your bright future, but I will do it none the less, not for you but for me.
So that I can live with myself. So that the guilt I feel can be reduced. So if you then fail, I can say it was as much your fault as it was mine. And then the judges of this world can vindicate me.