The Greatest Con In The Ages

Modupe Ladele
3 min readSep 8, 2022

The con against the devil himself. While the idea of letting the enemy think you don’t exist can be impressive, there is yet a more fascinating con, that more fascinating con is not only the greatest con in the universe but the greatest con of all time.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. Which to be honest is impressive, I mean there are a lot of people that don’t believe that there is someone called lucifer and I am not talking about that guy that speaks funny in the series called lucifer, I am talking about the one that was able to convince 1/3 of the angels in heaven to pick a fight with the infinite father.

Old time on the sand
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

The devil has a track record of impressive cons, to convince someone to go to war against someone that has never lost a war or never would lose a war is just mind-blowing, but I am here to talk about the most significant con, I am here to talk about the con against the devil himself.

To con a conman you must be something, but the master is always the master. Let’s talk about the con God played against the devil.
Do you already know it or are you waiting for me to spill? let me start with the reason for the con.

The con was done because of humans, the one created in the very image of the creator, the one made a little less than God and crowned with glory and honour, the one who will judge the angels, I am not here to make you humans feel good but to explain who you are, who you have always been, but the con wasn’t because of who mankind is or should be it was because of the love that the Potter had for his pot, an Artist who has fallen in love with one of his creation did the unexpected, what a future seer could not predict, a scheme beyond anticipation.

He did it all for you, not the bots surfing through this post, but the human.

Have you ever played chess, just in case you don’t know the rules of chess, you cannot sacrifice a king in a chess game, yet the infinite father broke a rule just for your sake. He sacrifices the King.

Some times ago, the one who made all things and without him nothing was made, came in the flesh, in every respect was tempted like you are, yet without sin, suffered humility, was tortured and then was killed.

Jesus was tempted by the devil, yet without sin, I am sure the devil was frustrated, the devil made a plan not knowing his plan was part of the plan that would bring salvation to mankind, the devil did not know how the saviour was going to save but at all means he planned to stop him, he turned one of his disciples against him, he turned the crowd again Jesus, the crowd picked Barabbas a murderer to be released for the saviour to die.

Satan must have been careful at that moment watching his plan work out, If the saviour did not save himself, how would he save others, the infinite father turned his face away from him because the sin of mankind was cast upon him and the infinite father would not stand sin.

As he died the darkness came over the whole land, the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, the tombs were also opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised and then the devil realized he has been conned, 1 Corinthians 2:8, “Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” how used must he have felt.

The infinite father putting up Jesus Christ for grabs for the sake of mankind was not only a sacrifice but a con because if the devil knew he wouldn’t have taken the bait and that right there is the greatest con in the ages.



Modupe Ladele
Modupe Ladele

Written by Modupe Ladele

This user does have a bio; Animal Scientist, apparently I am a teacher. Ehm... Researcher

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