Revealing A Secret Of This World
Deep down I had always known this secret, but I just became enlightened with the consciousness of the knowledge. Nature can prove the very reality of this secret which wouldn’t be a secret to you anymore.
Buckle up, clear your inner throat and let’s start with a story.
An old woman had a son, a horse and was the best thing anyone could be, you guessed right “A Farmer”
She was a farmer and her only horse ran away, when her neighbour came to console her for her loss, the old woman replied “good news, bad news, we shall see.”
The next day, the horse came back with a wild horse, and the neighbour again came to congratulate the woman, she replied “good news, bad news, we shall see.”
Some days after, the old woman’s son, decided to take the wild horse for a ride in the forest and he got really injured, the neighbour again came to console her, “I am sorry about your son” The old woman replied as usual “good news, bad news, we shall see.”
The next day, the king noticed he was losing a war, and he was gathering any male that could lift a sword to go fight, the king’s men came to the old woman and saw the condition of her son, so they went to other places to look for males, the neighbour came again to congratulate her “lucky you! you still have your boy” the old woman replied, “good news, bad news, we shall see”.
That is the end of that story, and I hope you were not expecting a more satisfying ending, now I am sure that at some point the very nosey or probably nice neighbour would begin to wonder if any of them was blind because of the excessive use of “we shall see”.
I am also sure you are starting to wonder how this nice story has to do with revealing a world secret.
The old woman knew that everything is a continuous loop, and could as well be a chain reaction, anything good could be a curse in disguise and anything bad could be a blessing in disguise, depending on what time things are, on the scale of manifestation.
We have heard phrases like what goes around comes around, there is a reason for everything. But because of the extreme misuse of those phrases and many others like it, we think it is nonsense, it is not nonsense, rotation is how exactly the world works.
“ROTATION, TIME” how exactly do these words I decided to write in capital letters bring a deeper meaning to the story we just read, this topic, or the world that we live in?
I would be stating the obvious by saying King Solomon was a very wise king, in Ecclesiastes 2 he wrote about how there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven and he further gave examples of how there is a time to sow and there is a time to reap, a time to weep and a time to laugh.
That right there is rotation, this continuous loop lets you know that there is a time for the dark and there is a time for light, if a bad thing is here, a good thing is surely coming (sooner or later), and life can be either good or bad for you, based on your current cycle of the rotation you are in.
If you are struggling with depression, if you are on the verge of committing suicide, don’t forget it is just a phase, this phase denotes night and nights denote that the morning is coming.
This is similar to the dawn and the dusk, like I said this is how the old mother earth works, there is dawn and there is dusk, the night doesn’t only signify that this is a bad time, it also signifies that the day is coming, “weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” the only thing we can hope for, the only thing we can pray for, is that our days are very long and night very short.
The sad fact is that some people don’t make it to the day both figuratively and literally.
Is it a night at this time of your life? just hold on, wait a little longer, try a little harder, the day is coming and the evidence is the night.
We cannot exactly stop the earth from having a complete rotation around the sun in 355.25 days and we cannot have only days and skip the nights but figuratively there is a loophole.
We cannot stop the cycle, but we can manipulate it, we can have an incredibly long day, and a very short night, we can face the evils of the night with the strength of knowledge, the knowledge that the morning is coming, the knowledge that joy cometh with the morning.
I genuinely don’t know how to make the night short and the day long, but let’s keep doing good and being good. Let’s keep hoping for longer days and let’s keep praying for shorter nights.
It is more like revealing a law of this world than it is, revealing a secret of this world.