Our Journey To The Sun

Modupe Ladele
4 min readJul 1, 2022

We aimed for the sun; and as you’d guess, we never knew what we might expect.

Journey in Portugal as Journey to the
By Ricardo Rocha https://unsplash.com/photos/nj1bqRzClq8?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink

On our way to the sun:
Some of us failed to plan so we never took off.

Some of us planned but we still didn’t take off, we did everything necessary apart from actually taking off.

Some of us took off but we fell almost immediately we took off, most of us landed on our feet and a few of us didn’t take the landing so well.

Some of us took off, almost reached the sky but we fell, some of us surprisingly fell on our feet, almost like we anticipated the fall, some of us got broken from the fall.

Some of us took off and reached the sky but somehow we got lost.
Some of us took off, we passed the sky, but we failed to reach the sun so we fell among the stars.

Some of us took off, passed the sky, passed the stars, and when we were close to our destination, because we flew too close to the sun we burnt our wings. Some of us lost our wings and fell among the stars, some of us got lost, and some of us fell back to earth.

Some of us took off, passed through every stage because of determination and consistency, we fell almost as early as we started but we took off again, we fell when we almost reached the sky but we took off again, we got lost, we found ourselves but we kept taking off till we almost reached the sun and burnt our wings.

To some of us who did not plan, we had the mouth to talk but for whatever reason, we did not put things in place. But we know what it was like to have a dream to journey to the sun.

To some of us who planned but did not take off, we are full of regret, we wonder about the possibility of what could have been, we made the arrangements but for some reasons, we couldn’t put in the action. But we know what it was like to prepare to journey to the sun.

To some of us who took off but fell almost immediately, we feel like we failed, like we never stood a chance for the journey. But we landed on our feet, we took off and we cater for the others who did not land on their feet on the journey to the sun.

To some of us who took off, we almost reached the sky but we fell, we felt unfit for the journey, like mediocre of the fittest, we were once on top but we went right back where we started. But the ones who landed on their feet helped the ones who were broken from the fall, we all knew what it was like to be close to the sky, we tasted the colors, and we felt the blueness just because we took off on the journey to the sun.

To some of us who took off, reached the sky but somehow got lost, we might have lost our way but we found new places, we are the discoverers, the founders of places, and we provide shelter for others when they take off on the journey to the sun.

To some of us who took off, we passed the sky, but we failed to reach the sun, we did not get to our destination, we feel unlucky, but we landed among the stars, we come together to light the world at its dark times, we provide light to the part for those on the journey to the sun.

To some of us who took off, passed the sky, passed the stars, and when we were close to our destination, because we flew too close to the sun we burnt our wings, we are scarred, we are ever changed for the rest of our mortal life, the fall was more painful but we smelled the sun, we might be blinded but we see visions, we have stories we have experienced, we changed the world while we could, the world would be forever grateful that we took off on the journey to the sun.

To some of us who took off, passed through every stage because of determination and consistency, we fell almost as early as we started but we took off again, we fell when we almost reached the sky but we took off again, we got lost but we found ourselves, but we kept taking off till we almost reached the sun and burnt our wings, we might have suffered all their pains but we enjoyed all their gain and we are known for our perseverance, the one who was not made for the journey, out of all odds we remade ourselves for and on the journey to the sun.



Modupe Ladele
Modupe Ladele

Written by Modupe Ladele

This user does have a bio; Animal Scientist, apparently I am a teacher. Ehm... Researcher

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