My Eccentric Thoughts On Love
My platoon was asked to address everybody, to talk about the topic "love." The bold writers took up the challenge, they spoke out about their interest to represent the platoon.
I expected the generic format of the presentation, where the Oxford, Harvard and Cambridge definitions of love are given, some would go ahead to include the Wikipedia definition, and then they will proceed to throw a couple of examples about love. Of course, they would tell us why love is important and then proceed to tell us why we should love and the good it will do us.
From experience that generic format of presentation is used and some platoons did not fail to surprise me as they used the format.
I was sitting, not minding my business of course and then the person beside me happened to be one of the writers for my platoon, I saw him editing his draft. His intro surprised me, he wrote "Through the ages, mystics, sages, singers..."
That is obviously different from the generic one, the intro sounds cool and it looks like that would be one interesting presentation.
I thought to myself if I was asked to write or talk about love. How can I say it in my own way, with my own voice, with hints of my eccentricities, with clues of my very own twisted thoughts?
Here we go.
We say it is intangible, yet the effects are palpable. It has changed the course of history, it has made unforgettable moments, it has erased history, it has remade the present; the gift of the past, I would say it is the very future of the past.
Love has started wars, love had ended wars. Not to be too eccentric but to think about it, Hitler's father probably loved Hitler's mother, it lead to marriage, which lead to the birth of Hitler, which eventually lead to the genocide of Jews.
One could argue that in some way love was the reason six million Jews were killed, of course, such reductionism is preposterous but this is to establish the effect of love in all its forms, in all its significance and all its insignificance.
The things we do for the ones we love, the things the ones we love do for us, the things that are done in the name of "LOVE."
Like loyalty, love when misguided can be dangerous, and love when misguided can be catastrophic. So to avoid misguided love in all its forms it may or can occur, two rules must be followed.
1) Love the Lord your God
2) Love your neighbour as yourself
I am sure I don’t have to explain what a neighbour means in context to this.
You wouldn’t murder your neighbour if you love them, and you wouldn’t steal from your neighbour if you love them.
Don’t tell me your smart mind has found a loophole so fast.
What if you murder your neighbour to help him/her? what if in some sense killing your neighbour is done because you love them? Remember the first rule "Love the Lord your God."
What we call love many times is not love, what we call love sometimes is not only misguided but also wrong. Love is not lust, love is intentional, can I dare conclude love, at first sight, might be a myth?
What exactly is love? and what are the characteristics of the purest form of love? Love is much more than a feeling.
Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful.
Love is not arrogant or rude.
Love doesn’t insist on its own way.
Love is not irritable or resentful.
Love doesn’t rejoice in the wrong, but love rejoices in the right.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
Knowing all this, can you genuinely say you have love? can you genuinely say you love who you claim to love?
Hope helps get one through the hardest of times. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. But yet love is the greatest.