Living Sacrifice
It is a good thing to be a living sacrifice because everything that is not of God in you will be burnt.
It is painful to be a sacrifice but then when you have been consumed, what is left can only be what God wants to be there.
Consume me, Lord, let everything that is not of you in me be disintegrated.
Ask God for that fire. Like Elijah called for the fire, you too call for the fire, call for the fire knowing that you are the sacrifice.
You are gold and you can only be purified with fire, you need to be broken, you need to be melted, you cannot be melted without fire, and you cannot get the fire unless you are a Sacrifice.
Do you want to be a Sacrifice?
Be careful what you ask, it is painful, but when you push through the pain then can you see the beauty, and after that can you see the power.
If you think you cannot push through, ask him to help you, ask God for his grace to bear.
The heirs of the consuming fire, cannot be destroyed by this fire, it is those things that are outside the genetics of the lineage of the consuming fire that get destroyed.
Offer yourself as a Living Sacrifice.