Live Every Day Like It's Your Last
I process death very differently from others, the death of a loved one, the death of the loved one of who I love.
"Live Every Day Like it’s your last". I can promise; that this is more than just an excuse to live lavishly, it is a reminder, a reminder to help keep one in check, a reminder to do that which needs to be done at the given moment.
It means to set everything in order at any given time, it means to act like how you want to be remembered every second. It means to plan for those you love because this day could be your last. To sort out whatever needs sorting out.
To say that which you need to say, do that which you need to do, resist till the very end that which you need to resist from.
Live every day like it’s your last is a simple reminder to put everything in order, in absolute order. Because in that does death stop being an enemy but a vehicle that takes you to true rest.
Think about what you would love to be remembered for, what you would love your last day to be like, yeah, live like that.
Dear reader, Live Every Day Like It’s Your Last, because it might just be.