If Privacy Is What You Need, Why Adopt Web3?
What problem is web3 solving? I asked Google because I wasn’t sure anymore.
Privacy and anonymity! wait, what?
Some “innovators” somewhere are changing the whole architecture because of privacy and anonymity, problems that have already been solved. they must be joking.
Some “early adopters” are promoting web3 because they don’t want Facebook, Google, Amazon and other big companies to take and use their data, I am starting to wonder if Gavin Wood is paying salespeople, the more web3 content you put out there, the more the price of Ethereum increases.
Bad jokes aside, there are ready-made solutions to prevent big companies from collecting and using your data, and there are platforms and programs that will help with privacy issues.
Brave is a secure browser that prioritizes user privacy and security, well at least that is what Nordvpn said here
Duckduckgo is a search engine that prevents websites from tracking you and selling your information to third parties.
Tor is all about anonymity, it protects your identity, even if you are surfing on the clearnet.
All this makes me wonder what other “problems” that already have a solution, web3 is trying to solve.
You can go as far as masking your email address with Abine Blur, there are a lot of companies ready to protect you from data whales and make fortune in the process, companies like Tor are even nonprofit.
Is it better to build a new architecture to solve a problem that already has a solution? if privacy is what you need, why adopt web3?