Exposing China’s Secret Interest in Africa (SCRIPT)

Modupe Ladele
3 min readJun 16, 2024

You see, there are three great powers in the world. The United States, China and Russia.

China Secret's interest in Africa

We were so focused on the west; the big bad wolf, that we haven’t been paying attention to the green snake that is no longer in our backyard but right in the green grass of our very own yard. Don’t get confused yet.

China is not here to help Africa, or at least not in the way that we think.

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China is doing to Africa what America did to them and of course, this makes the West panic.

Why has China invested billions of dollars in Africa? Because they care about Africans

{Audio cue: evil laugh}

You see in the Middle 18th century, the West got cheap labour from China, but over the years China's economy has improved significantly, meaning that if the West still wants cheap labour and resources they have to look elsewhere.

Here is where things get a tad bit complicated. China is also in need of cheap labour and they cannot get it from China. China needs to make Africa the new China to China. Do you understand or am I speaking Chinese?

China is an industrial power that lacks primary resources. That is where Africa comes in.

China is building infrastructure to develop Africa, so they can take advantage of its cheap labour and low tax rate.

Of course, the cheap labour is as a result of our devalued currency.

But that is not only what they are doing. They are also building a market to sell their products.

But at least they are building, right?

{Audio Cue: evil laugh}

When China get to an African country, they build infrastructure for free and then they hire cheap labour within the country that is if they don't bring other Chinese labour to work there. The country signs a lease that the Chinese can use the infrastructure for their own purposes.

So China builds 54 military bases, sorry "Airports" in strategic locations in Africa.

China has a population of about 1.5 billion, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometres.

Of course, they might be looking to dump the extra half a billion on other countries. So they not only come, but they start to take over businesses and employ only their own.

Why is China giving Africa more money than they could pay back, because they don't want us to pay back. They have a plan.

Nobody gives a loan without collateral, they don't want the loan back, they are after the collateral, they are after the natural resources, that African leaders used as collateral in case of default.

The white men colonised Africa to exploit our natural resources. They want to do the same thing the white man did to us, but using a different strategy.

I am sure you heard about what happened in 2012, when China built the headquarters of the African Union for free and it was not until after 5 years that. Well, that is a story for another day.

When you think about it. What other country wouldn't do more if given the chance? China was once a country with over 88% poverty rate to zero percent poverty rate in 2024.

They are not helping Africa because they care, they have their own selfish interests. But then what other country doesn't?

At least they don't go around dropping bombs on other countries. I didn't mention any country's name.

The reason why cheap labour is gotten from Africa is because the IMF has devalued the currency of many African countries, you can learn more about that in this video.

{Visual Cue: Display Video on “The Untold Realities Behind African Currencies Devaluation”}

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Modupe Ladele
Modupe Ladele

Written by Modupe Ladele

This user does have a bio; Animal Scientist, apparently I am a teacher. Ehm... Researcher

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