Choice, A Gift Or A Burden?
Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power, is the ability of choice the power that ushers in our destruction?
The world is worse than it was because of the choices some people made, the world is better than it should have been because of the choices some people made.
I cannot help but wonder if the reason marriages in the 17th century and years before had less divorce was because it was arranged marriage. I’m not here to talk about marriage or divorce or statistics, I am here to talk about choice.
The tree doesn’t have a choice but to grow so it grows, it doesn’t have a choice but to produce fruit, so it produces fruit, but we humans have the choice to be and not be, and that is the reason why many do not unleash their fullest potential.
The science of it is that psychologists have found that excessive choices can have a negative effect on us.
When we think deeper, choice is a responsibility we have for being created in the very image of the creator.
The choice was never the problem, like many other things, we gave choice another meaning, we redefined choice to be a degree of freedom to indulge in our iniquities.
Originally or redefined, is choice a gift or a burden?