Can Money Buy Time?
Money cannot buy happiness, but I'd rather be rich and sad than be poor and sad. But we are not here to discuss if money can buy or not buy happiness, we are here to discuss if money can buy time. Can money buy time?
Great men on their sick beds, greatness cannot save them. Rich men are on their sick beds and money can’t save them, oh sorry we are not talking about saving either.
Let’s start with money
How significant is money? The word of the creator written through men talked about money in various ways.
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
Damn right? even the love of money is said to be the root of all evil.
Now Time
Time is a continuum, a progression of events that lacks spatial dimensions.
Let us dive into some scenarios.
Some people in their pursuit of money sacrifice their time both literally and figuratively.
The literal aspect is; Young people can make a deal with death to become rich and then they will become slaves of death, the death or the oracle they come in contact with will give them a range of 6 months to 10 years to live and also the amount of money they cannot finish within that period.
The figurative aspect; Humans in their pursuit of money use time. For example, they work an 8 to 6 job or they work so hard they barely have time for themselves.
Now that we have established the fact that people exchange time for money.
Do people exchange money for time?
Definitely, they do.
More scenarios;
- Some spend more money to buy faster cars.
- Some spend more money to travel faster
Meaning they spend money to save as much time as they can.
A sick rich man doesn't die as fast as a sick poor man, the rich sick man extends time with money.
The business aspect
A businessman has 24 hours like every other human but he does 5000 hours of job per day without him working, he does that by paying 1000 people for 5 hours of their time a day.
You can exchange money for time, you can exchange time for money and when you do each transaction at the exact right time you become fulfilled or at least a rich person with a lot of time on their hands.
For people who trade forex, it is like trading currencies pair, Time/Money, there are other currencies like comfort, peace, pleasure, joy, fame, intellect, etc.
The better the trader you are, the more fulfilled you will be.
I am a believer so I’d end with this;
Imagine if you know the exact right time you need to trade something for something
Imagine there is someone to guide you to place that trade
Imagine that the "someone" is all-knowing, powerful and everywhere.
Now stop Imagining
There is a guide above all guide, he is the holy spirit and you can only get him when you have given your life to Jesus Christ. If you have given your life to Jesus Christ then ask for the holy spirit and continue to ask for the holy spirit till you get him, if you have not given your life to Jesus Christ then say this out loud
"Lord Jesus I am a sinner, thank you for dying for my sins on the cross of calvary, I know that you are the son of God I know that you resurrected on the third day and ascended into heaven, I accept you into my life as my lord and saviour, take my life as a living sacrifice thank you for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life."
After saying that out loud, you can also reach out to me via email at