A War You Can Never Win — Your Greatest Rival
Have you ever had a worthy opponent? I know, I have! they are not easy to beat, requires concentration, requires effort, intentionally, it causes you to have to reorganize. Many of you are still standing because you have beaten many if not some of the so-called worthy opponents, maybe they are not so worthy after all, and we both know you can win a war against a worthy opponent and something else we both know is that they are not your greatest rival.
Death; the carrier into the underworld, the messenger of the grave, many of you have escaped death, many of you have cheated death and one of the things you might have learnt is that; death is not to be feared, it can be peace to the troubled, it can be freedom to the bounded, it can be rest to the ones who deserve it, it is transcendence and it is definitely not your greatest rival.
Nature; it can be brutal when against you, it is a powerful entity that can become vile to avenge the wickedness done to itself or the innocent, it can be dangerous to eliminate the weakest, it can be cunny to outsmart the so-called chosen, and when it is not on your side, it is hell fighting a battle against it, nature is a force to reckon with for the strong and wise, when you beat nature at its game, they tell you “you cheated nature” of course you cheated nature, how else could you have won the game? When it is a war, you win her by being adaptable to change, you have to beat her at her own game, and become a shapeshifter. No matter how powerful she can be I can assure you, she is not your greatest rival.
Speaking of shapeshifters, the enemy who thinks like you, the enemy who acts like you, who does as you do, it is a tedious battle, it is draining but once you remember that the creator uniquely created you and any other person pretending to be you is simply an impostor, so the secret is to do what you do best, do you, skin that copycat called rival because it is not even worthy enough to be your greatest rival.
Luck; is really scary when she is against you, the mother of all coincidences, it makes me wonder who is the father of all coincidences, the husband of mother luck? When luck wages a war against you, people say “all hope is lost”, hope isn’t lost, hope just doesn’t want to associate itself with you, only the ones who won can say it is possible to win such a war, it requires not leaving anything to chance, maybe chance is the father of all coincidences or who knows, a distant cousin. The 0.001% is significant in such a battle so you have to keep it at 100, it requires consistency, determination and precision. Be meticulous, plan for any and all possible situation then. Mrs luck is dangerous when against you, yet she is not your greatest rival.
Fighting your personal demons, I am sure you have fought your share of personal demons, you are required to beat them to go to the next stage and when you get to the next stage, there is a better one waiting there, forgive me for using that word “better” that rat race cycle of personal demon slaying mission cannot be ended, those very demons are specifically tailored for you. And that right there is the secret to beating them, think of it, they are tailored for you, so when you involved a loved/trusted one the other person involved will know how to beat it. Now that is the secret to beating it but the trick is not to beat it, it is to use your demons, manipulate them, control them, live with them, add to them and/or remove from them when you want and like you would have guessed it is not your greatest rival.
The creator; the one who when with you the others listed above would tremble before you, he referred to himself as the “I am that I am” and I cannot imagine how dangerous, how unearthly bad it can be for you when he is against you, I know that I am not blaspheming when I say he is not your greatest rival, the love he has for you, the sacrifices he made for you should be enough to let you begin to understand that love. Don’t get me wrong the creator is the greatest rival but he is not your greatest rival.
If Ruelle, meant what she said in her song, then maybe, just maybe, can you have an idea of who our greatest rival is? The Bible certainly pointed us closer in the right direction by asking a question we now need to answer.
“If God is for you, who can be against you” it is definitely not a worthy opponent, death, nature, an imposter, luck, our personal demons and since our creator is already for you, then who can be against you? We both know it is not the devil, he isn’t capable, he is insignificant, so yeah think who can be against you when God is for you?
Nobody? Nothing? Think again.
The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile. Plato said that not me, but the sad truth is you are your greatest rival, you have always been your greatest rival. I bet there is a sadder truth and it is that you cannot win the war against you, give me a sec to break it down.
If you win against “you”, then you lose, if “you” win against you then you, lose, that took more than a sec but now maybe you can begin to fathom the danger of waging a war against you
I hope this helps in your rethinking; you can encourage you, you can drill you, you can challenge you, you can discipline you, you can test you but never wage a war against you and for those of you that have already waged a war against you it is time to make peace because when you are at peace with you that moment is when you have conquered you, you can never win a war against you, you are your greatest rival.